Dirty ‘Rat 2024 Recap

2024 marked the 9th edition of Will’s brainchild, the Dirty ‘Rat, and in our humble opinion, this was the best one yet! This year we experimented with a new format, offering a fully catered experience with Will’s Ford Laser popping up for snack stops along the way. Read on for more! On Day 1, riders […]

Oh what fun it is to ride! A Commuter Christmas gift guide

Time to celebrate another rotation around the sun, here at Commuter Cycles! As always, this means (for those of us who celebrate Christmas and gift-giving) the head-scratching task of selecting presents for our friends, family, coworkers, or maybe just unlucky bystanders. To help ease the burden, we’ve put together the Commuter Cycles 2023 top gift choices!  […]

What to bring on an overnight bike trip

Here at Commuter Cycles, we love adventure! Some of our happiest interactions are those where we are helping customers to get kitted out for their first multi-day trips. We have prepared a handy pack list for your first overnighter. Feel free to use this as a base, and customise to it as you wish. It’s your ride! 

Kia and Heath’s Murray Meander

I have a habit of winging Easter trips. Something about the freedom of five days off, and the abundance of amazing routes across Victoria, I often find myself paralysed by choice. A day or two before Easter, my friend Heath and I had a bright idea. We decided to turn our backs on every one of Victoria’s amazing established routes, and poke around somewhere neither of us had ever been before.

Snork-Packing : The Official Guide

Folks, here it is! The post that you didn’t know you needed: it’s the Commuter Cycles official guide to snorkpacking. What’s snorkpacking, you ask? It’s bikepacking, but where you pack a snorkel and make a beeline for your favourite underwater wonderland. Recently our very own Kias (@pollen_pal and @kia_is_asian) took a weekend trip down to […]

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Off Course Bike Shop

Off Course acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional custodians of the lands and waterways in the area now known as Brunswick, and pays respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging, as well as to all First Nations’ communities in Australia.