Slaack and tukt…(w/respecatble F-C) HIgh BB plays nice with long forks and B+ or even 27.5 x 2.4’s. Get a long fork with big offset and you’ll be leaving your new super $7k squisher at home.
A tune-able short tukt rear end lets you employ a fairly wide range of chainstay lengths depending on your wheel choice. 27.5 x 2.5 minions will tuk right up to 405 mm if you run gears and slam it. Bump that number to a 430mm for your plussiest 29 plus tires. Mmmm plus.
Also offered with a 140 correct version of the El’s fork. Biplane, 2x anthing cages (4 total), fenders, low riders….bolt on the dream. Go bikepacking. LIVE!
All custom butted hardened 4130 tubing varying by size results in a frame weight of just over 5.5#. Science refers to it as…’the sweet spot’.
Dive deep into that Geo table..
Slack ST exit angles provide perfect tweener sizing…expanding top tube lengths with higher seat heights (a-la Jeff Jones one-size concept, except now with 4 sizes)
High BB and neutral ST angle allow for a massive number of fork choices. 120-160mm
———–BUILD SPECS————-
BB……………………….English threaded 73mm
Front Axle……………15mm x 110 mm (boost)
Rear Axle…………….12mm x 148mm (boost)
Cranks/Chainline………..54mm (boost compatable cranks only)
Seat Post…………..31.6 mm
Headtube…………..44mm (taper & straight steerers)
A-C……………………….Varies with fork… (505 with Mone biplane fork)
Clearance………….29+, B+, 29, 650b, 26+
*s and m frames do not fit avid bb5/bb7 brakes…you don’t want to run those anyway… Paul Klampers are a no-go. Some of these mechanicals can be made to fit by choking up that actuation arm…it’d be up to you.
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